Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

The creator of the term “Exopolitics” (Alfred Webre) defined it as “"the study of political process and governance in interstellar society."” In 2004 Michael Salla, promoting an academic exopolitics defined it as “Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.” Investigation reporter Paola Harris defined it as the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, a political movement and a new paradigm, which relate with the wide range of implications about extraterrestrial life.”

In 2009, the Strategic Committee of Exopolitics Institute defined “Exopolitcs” as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”

In order to practice exopolitics is it not necessary to believe that extraterrestrials are currently interacting with planet Earth and humanity but (in contrast to Exobiology) to seriously consider the legal, political, scientific, religious and cultural implications of what this presence could mean. If diplomatic contact were established with other civilization, who would represent the interests of common people, nations, of the Earth and nature as a whole? Would it be the United Nations that until now is formed by nations that represent themselves as a forum to solve differences and to promote agreements? Would it be the more powerful nations like the U.S., Russia, China, India, Canada, Brazil? The European Union? How would religions be represented? And intellectuals, humanitarians, universities, scientific academies?

Most exopoliticians today consider that the accumulated evidenced provided by a Ufology of scientific character in the last six and a half decades has sufficiently demonstrated that we are being visited by a variety of intelligent beings from the Cosmos. They also consider that specific groups from some of the more powerful of the world’s nations have covered-up this fact, perhaps to study the technology behind the mystery. They also basically agree that by conducting these investigations the rights of citizens have been violated and research has been conducted using public funds without submitting to a democratic public supervision or accountancy.

he growing emergence of credible whistleblowers who (in order to defend democratic ideals) reveal that they worked in secret government projects investigating UFO and extraterrestrial information is quite extensive.  It is sufficient to carefully read the declarations recorded by the “Disclosure Project.” Also, the number of declassified UFO documents from countries like England and Brazil is significant. In a way, the U.S. is becoming an odd super power not recognizing any interest in UFO research. Moreover, leaked classified documents (which in some cases have been carefully analyzed verifying they are genuine). See the work Dr. Robert Wood’s (former Mc Donald Douglas scientist) on the SOM-1 101 documents for this. There have also been physical analyses of implants found in persons who claim having been abducted; implants possessing truly anomalous characteristics (like isotopes not naturally occurring on Earth, a nano technology connected to the nervous system, the lack of an inflammation response, the emission of electromagnetic signals and no sign of entry) all indicates that we are really facing a complex intelligent presence that can only be irrationally ignored by running the risk of preserving our own ignorance while other countries with a more open-minded attitude move forward in understanding.

Since Exopolitics Institute was created in the U.S. similar institutes have emerged in Germany, Spain, South Africa, Hong Kong and several high quality international conferences have been organized. One of themes more referred to has been that of forced interventions (abductions) conducted by some varieties of extraterrestrial entities in some parts of the world. Also, some of the information brought by some contactees (showing some degree of evidence like photographs, other witnesses and videos) has been analyzed. Also information from different parts of the world has been incipiently cross-referenced.

To simply say that the ET presence is impossible according to the laws of physics and of general Relativity would be to affirm that we know where their limits stand. It would be equivalent to ignoring that science makes advances and that it continuously overcomes its own limits. It would be equivalent to saying that the non-local findings of quantum mechanics will never be applicable to large everyday objects.  Perhaps learning to distort the spatial energy density at the cero-point and by understanding the non-local way inertia operates we would come to understand that the normal physical limits are a valid restricted/local situation but within a range that can be overcome.  Engineer Tom Valone and Thomas Bearden have performed very interesting studies about how some of the elements of extraterrestrial technologies might be. Parts of this technology might serve to create sources of clean energy and may be released to the public if it is found that it cannot be used for destructive purposes.

In April 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC 40 witnesses declared before 6 former U.S. congressmen (and citizens from the U.S. and around the world) in a mock (yet damn serious) public hearing under oath. Peru was well represented by retired Coronel Oscar Santa María Huertas (who intercepted with his jet fighter and shot at an alien space craft during a massive daytime sighting above La Jolla Airforce Base in 1980, Peru) and by the attorney Anthony Choy (researcher of the Chulucanas Incident in northern Peru and one of the civilian founding members of OIFAA, the Peruvian Airforce’s Research Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena). Their declarations contributed to the shocking declarations of the other witnesses. Furthermore, former U.S. intelligence officers, veteran researchers with serious degrees of evidence about a cover-up, plus captains, sergeants, majors and coronels (like Richard French) from the U.S. and other countries, also contributed with their very clear and objective declarations. Retired coronel Ariel Sánchez from the Republic of Uruguay narrated how in his country anomalous aerial objects are studied with openness, educating the civilian population and without discarding the possibility of the extraterrestrial presence.       

The former U.S. congressmen (Merrill Cook, Darlene Hooley, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Mike, Gravel, Roscoe Bartlett, Lynn Woolsey) had arrived with some skepticism to the hearing and knowing little about the wide-ranging subject matter but were quite impressed by the quality of witnesses assembled. They suggested that some other country or group of countries (perhaps Latin American) formally ask the United Nations to produce an international conference on the theme of UFOs/ET presence. They recognized that it is an important issue of global scope that concerns everyone.  A Brazilian senator was present in the hearing and promised to that upon returning to his country he would promote this idea. Also UFO researcher Ademar Gevaerd announced that the Brazilian Air Force had declared that it would not only declassify thousands of UFO files (besides what they had already declassified) but that it would collaborate more closely with civilian researchers.

The in-depth studies of historian Richard Dolan and of other notable exopoliticians and activists like Michael Salla, Stephen Bassett, Daniel Sheehan and Steven Greer seem to show that the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence will not be sustainable for much too long. Furthermore, the taboo that implies speaking about this presence is winding down. What role will Peru and Peruvian thinkers play when the reality of this presence is (even if gradually or partially) revealed? Or how will Peru react when information about possible semi-legal agreements some military forces have quite discretely made (without democratic supervision) with specific extraterrestrial groups (not necessarily having our best interests at heart)?

Andean countries like Peru possess traditions which are much more flexible and adaptive, even to events that escape prosaic physical explanations. They have more possibilities of culturally adapting before new realities and even of standing out contributing something original to the emerging exopolitical cultural world movement. I intuit that the ancestral Andean traditions (in union with current/modern knowledge) can help us to produce our own theoretical models in relation to Exopolitics and in relation to the cultural transformations implied.

Through contactees (some of them Peruvian), psychiatrists (like John Mack from Harvard) and after the information from whistleblowers and a long research which includes the physical and psychical aspects of UFO encounters (since the beginning of the Modern UFO Era in the 1940s) we know that contact events with extraterrestrials tend to produce physical space-time anomalies together with pronounced participatory interactions between the minds and consciousnesses involved. As in native American natural medicine (often called shamanism), what is subjective fuses with what is objective showing that this events belong to other kinds of interactive laws.  Perhaps the Andean concept of RECIPROCITY (Ayni) (part of a much more complex wisdom) can guide us. Maybe we can also demonstrate that, just as we have adapted in a syncretic but creative way (without losing our original identity) to European ideas and mores, to Christianity and Modernity (at least until postnodernity and excessive commercialism) during the processes of cultural crossbreeding and the assimilation of foreign cultural patterns, we could also adapt to the new world which operated under the open recognition of the extraterrestrial presence without undergoing an excessively intense cultural shock. Perhaps we (and humanity everywhere) will demonstrate that the essential teaching of our religions rather than disappearing would broaden, get richer and deepen.

What if besides God’s universal laws and patterns defining what an ideal human being is varieties of ETs (also ultimately dependent on those or other patterns) contributed to our gene pool? Should we be protected from that knowledge like little children? No, because I think that we’ll grow and adapt. What if the ideal Man was indeed a Divine creation in a higher (now mythicized) plane of existence and what ETs might have done is only a small part of it all?

What we need is to become seriously interested in these issues and to participate educating ourselves with breath of vision and a critical but emotionally balanced mind. We need to expand our ethical embrace to all sentience caring about and including those varieties of ETs that may have committed abuses and mistake in our past and which may still commit them (without necessarily allowing them to act this way with us any more).  We must learn to find out who those that respect us the most are and to ally ourselves with them.  

How can Exopolitics really develop in Peru? What are our potentials? There already is a certain flexibility and openness. Our Air Force was open to receive reports from citizens and spoke openly about what was being reported or researched. If we were to collaborate with bona fide contactees able to provide evidence would give us an unusual recognition if we were able to become earnestly/responsibly interested and be able to film extraterrestrial (transdimensional) vehicles during programmed appointments for sightings; to help them be less unusual and temporary in our presence by accepting them with the same respect they bestow on us. As Latin Americans in general and Peruvians in particular we can stand out in this type of “connective exopolitics” of…CONTACT; of taking a stance to relate Humanity and the Earth system with positive beings that respect us in order to learn and educate (they can learn from us as we can learn from them) in an essentially egalitarian exchange, respecting our common essence without generating dependencies.

The Q'uero people of the Andes and other native American compatriots perhaps know there are advanced beings that live underground among us in the planet. The “Paco Pacuris….They also are in the Peruvian territory protecting…Earth. As a people we are a hope for the planetary future of exopolitical relations if we maintain and respect these benign relations. We can take the initiative of communicating more actively with protecting beings in order to balance the Earth system of Living energy (Kawsay in Quechua Inca words) since other human brothers felt the need to do it (under practical, modern technological values soon after World War II and during the Cold War) with other beings which have more problems so as to exchange technology for certain agreements and to buy time. Forgiveness and a new more positive path is possible and lies ahead.       

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